Freitag, 20. Januar 2012

Game Trailer - Resident Evil 6

There is a trailer for Resident Evil 6. It looks mediocre in my opinion but the graphics seem quite cranked up compared to part 5. It even seems to me as if there are some gameplay-sequences included. That's how I like it! What I couldn't figure out jet is if you will be able to walk while aiming. That was something that really impaired my enjoyment of RE 5.

Read on to watch the trailer.

I played through Resident Evil 5 in some extensive evening-sessions with a friend. We played it cooperatively and it really was a shitload of fun. I hadn't expected much of the game but would now probably say that it was even more fun than Dead Island (which we also played through in coop). This could also be due to the fact that we played RE5 sitting together in his room while we played Dead Island over the Internet, though. It's always more fun if you're in the same room.

I have to admit, the story never interested me much. Even though I'm kind of a story-fanatic concerning games. But the story in RE 5 was kind of trashy and I'm not expecting too much from RE 6 in this regard either. RE 5 for me was a game that convinced with gameplay (if you forget the shooting OR walking thing), level design and Boss-battles. Those things are also important.

Dead Island on the other hand I blamed for the trashy story. With their brilliant CGI-Trailer they got a lot of attention but simultaneously had set the bar really high in regards to storytelling. In the game they just couldn't deliver what they (kind of) had promised in the trailer.

But I'll definitely give Resident Evil 6 a try - as long as it has online coop.

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