Sonntag, 19. Februar 2012

Trailer of the Week - Max Payne 3

I didn't post a trailer last weekend. I honestly spent hours searching for one that I liked, but I just couldn't find one. This week was easy again:

Just kidding. Though this allows me to refer to a trailer that's quite alright but wasn't able to reach the top because of the steep competition: Far Cry 3. (Edit: Here's some Far Cry 3 gameplay)

This weeks winner is Max Payne 3. Although I don't know if I like the direction they seem to be taking with the game (it doesn't seem to be that "noir" anymore) the trailer does a few things right.

First of all, it seems to consist for the most part (exclusively?) consists entirely of in-game-graphics. That's something you don't see too often. While all those CGI-trailers obviously can be extremely amazing, they only promise something. They're never "the real deal", because in the end they possibly don't have that much to do with the game you play.  In-game-trailers on the other hand have a hard time of impressing as much as those computer generated fireworks because, well, they have to be rendered in real time.

But what for me sealed the deal in this case was how incredibly awesome the trailer is edited. It doesn't show that much for the first minute, but then, oh my...! You can click here to get directly to where the orgasm begins.

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