Hey there! Welcome to my (new) blog. As I am unhappy with the way my previous blogs went on, I'm trying anew. Here's what I want to change:
- Be more focused. The previous blogs (well, at least the ones that have more then a handful posts) were too wide ranged. So this one will only be about video-games. Which doesn't mean that I won't post something not directly gaming-related if it absolutely blows me away and I think it is impossible not to mention it. But most of the stuff I want to write about is gaming-related and I don't want to feel pressured into writing something about stuff I don't really want to write about.
- I'll try writing in english. It's probably going to be quite hard and cost me a lot of time, but the plan is not to worry too much about if I make mistakes. Leo will probably get my most-used toolbar-shortcut, but I think it will be worth it. There are three reasons for this decision: First, all the blogs I read are in english and with that, all my information is in english. Second, the games I play, I play in english. And third I have discovered that I don't want to write a blog that is very restricted because of it's language.
- It'll only be me writing. This way, it is probably going to be more personal. And it's only my motivation I have to worry about.
Just to get started, I'm going to try to translate some of the posts I've made in the old blogs. Let's see how that works out. I'll give them their original date, so that references to other dates stay correct. But the blog in fact started on January 30th, 2012.
Btw. this is the previous blog.
Btw. this is the previous blog.
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